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Средство для сжигания жира в области живота AbCuts CLA Belly Fat Formula, 240капсул
Бренд Ab Cuts
AbCuts CLA Belly Fat Formula, 3200 мг, 240 гелевых
Комплекс в двух контейнерах, в каждом из которых по 120 капсул.
Дополнительное время доставки 5-7 рабочих дней.
Сокращает жир в проблемных зонах брюшной полости и бедер. Суточная доза содержит 3200 мг CLA (Конъюгированная линолевая кислота - 95% из сафлорового масла), 500 мг рыбьего жира, льняное масло и масло авокадо, 150% дневной нормы витамина D и 100% дневной нормы витамина E.
Рекомендации к применению:
Принимать в качестве диетической добавки для взрослых по 4 капсулы в день во время еды. Для достижения наилучших результатов принимайте по две капсулы два раза в день во время еды.
If you’re ready to kick start a healthier lifestyle, Ab Cuts can help you achieve your body composition goals safely and effectively. Introducing Ab Cuts® Enhanced, the latest innovation in weight loss. This new and improved formula features the same effective CLA, with 95% concentration, as Ab Cuts Advanced. 3,200 mg of our premium CLA is combined with a full serving of 500 mg of fish oil, delivering a high potency formula for maximum benefits. As an added benefit, Ab Cuts Enhanced contains essential fats Flaxseed and Avocado Oil plus Vitamin D and E.
When combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine, the ingredients in Ab Cuts Enhanced may support healthy body composition.† Ab Cuts Enhanced contains naturally occurring CLA that is clinically tested to reduce body fat in some people.† Ab Cuts Enhanced contains absolutely NO stimulants, therefore avoiding negative side effects such as jitters or headaches that are common with many other fat reduction products.

Abdominal area fat reduction†‡Thigh area fat reduction†‡Hip area fat reduction†‡Healthy body composition†‡3200 mg of CLA (from 95% Safflower Oil) per daily serving
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a naturally occurring fatty acid found in high concentrations in grass-fed meat and dairy products. It might surprise you to know that all fats aren’t harmful. Our bodies need certain fats and some have proven health benefits.
CLA is not a miracle drug. Taking it isn’t going to cause large numbers of inches to magically drop from your waist or hips or pounds to melt off unless you make dietary changes, reduce calorie intake and increase your exercise level.
Clinical studies have shown that taking 3,200 mg of CLA daily may support the reduction of body fat mass and the increase of lean body mass.†It is not, however, something your body produces on its own.
Ab Cuts Enhanced has been reformulated to provide:
3,200 mg of CLA500 mg of fish oil, a full daily servingEssential fats Flaxseed Oil and Avocado OilAb Cuts Enhanced is also fortified with 150% of the Daily Value of Vitamin D and 100% of the Daily Value of Vitamin EStimulant free formula
And you get this great formula times TWO, in our Twin Pack.
Taking control of your body composition means taking control of your health.
Here are just some of the benefits having a healthy body composition may help support:
Normal blood pressure level†Improved quality of sфleep†Improved mood and self-confidence†Increased energy and endurance throughout the day†
When combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine, the ingredients in Ab Cuts Enhanced may support healthy body composition.† Ab Cuts Enhanced contains naturally occurring CLA that is clinically tested to reduce body fat in some people.† Ab Cuts Enhanced contains absolutely NO stimulants, therefore avoiding negative side effects such as jitters or headaches that are common with many other fat reduction products.

Abdominal area fat reduction†‡Thigh area fat reduction†‡Hip area fat reduction†‡Healthy body composition†‡3200 mg of CLA (from 95% Safflower Oil) per daily serving
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a naturally occurring fatty acid found in high concentrations in grass-fed meat and dairy products. It might surprise you to know that all fats aren’t harmful. Our bodies need certain fats and some have proven health benefits.
CLA is not a miracle drug. Taking it isn’t going to cause large numbers of inches to magically drop from your waist or hips or pounds to melt off unless you make dietary changes, reduce calorie intake and increase your exercise level.
Clinical studies have shown that taking 3,200 mg of CLA daily may support the reduction of body fat mass and the increase of lean body mass.†It is not, however, something your body produces on its own.
Ab Cuts Enhanced has been reformulated to provide:
3,200 mg of CLA500 mg of fish oil, a full daily servingEssential fats Flaxseed Oil and Avocado OilAb Cuts Enhanced is also fortified with 150% of the Daily Value of Vitamin D and 100% of the Daily Value of Vitamin EStimulant free formula
And you get this great formula times TWO, in our Twin Pack.
Taking control of your body composition means taking control of your health.
Here are just some of the benefits having a healthy body composition may help support:
Normal blood pressure level†Improved quality of sфleep†Improved mood and self-confidence†Increased energy and endurance throughout the day†

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, adults take 1 serving (4 softgels) each day. For best results, take two softgels twice a day with meals. Please read the entire label before use.
Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerin, Water
Contains: Soy, Fish (Anchovy, Sardine, Mackerel)
Warnings: DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT, NURSING, OR PLAN ON BECOMING PREGNANT. THIS PRODUCT IS INTENDED FOR USE BY HEALTHY ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 18. Consult a physician or licensed qualified health care professional before using this product if you have, or have a family history of, any medical condition, or if you are using any other dietary supplement, prescription drug including, but not limited to, anti-coagulant, anti-diabetic and/or anti-hypertensive agents, or over-the-counter drug.
Keep out of reach of children
Product provides two containers, totalling 240 softgels.