Глюкозамин 1500мг с Хондроитином 1200мг, Kirkland Signature, 220 таблеток
Kirkland Signature Glucosamine & Chondroitin, 220 Tablets
Глюкозамин (1500мг) с Хондроитином (1200мг), усиленная формула, Kirkland Signature, 220 таблеток
Для поддержки здоровья суставов, хрящевой и соединительной ткани добавьте в свой ежедневный рацион питания Глюкозамин (1500мг) с Хондроитином (1200мг) с максимально улучшенной формулой от Kirkland Signature. Ежедневная суточная доза составляет 2 таблетки в день.
• Поддержка и гибкость суставов
• Стимулирует регенерацию хрящевой ткани
Глюкозамин является основным строительным материалом для хрящевой ткани, синовиальной жидкости и другой соединительной ткани. Помогает поддерживать здоровую структуру и функцию суставов для оптимальной мобильности.
Хондроитин сульфат служит дополнительным субстратом для образования здорового хрящевого матрикса. Стимулирует образование гиалуронона, синтез протеогликанов и коллагена, а также защищает гиалуронон от ферментативного расщепления (путём подавления активности гиалуронидазы) и от повреждающего действия свободных радикалов; поддерживает вязкость синовиальной жидкости, стимулирует механизмы репарации хряща и подавляет активность тех ферментов, которые расщепляют хрящ (эластаза, гиларуонидаза). При лечении остеопороза облегчает симптомы заболевания и уменьшает потребность в нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов.
Рекомендации к применению
Принимать по 2 таблетки в день вместе с едой.
Не содержит искусственных красителей, лактозы, глютена, сахара.
Add Kirkland Signature™ Extra Strength Glucosamine 1500 mg & Chondroitin 1200 mg to your daily regimen to help support healthy joints.† Our product is an extra strength formulation which delivers the suggested daily dosage in just two tablets. Consider Kirkland Signature Extra Strength Glucosamine 1500 mg & Chondroitin 1200 mg, which:• Cushions joints and supports movement†
• Helps promote healthy cartilage†
Our bones are inflexible. So, joints—where bones connect—are what enable the movement of our body. Joints are complex structures with many parts having a job to do in facilitating movement. Muscles, tendons, cartilage and ligaments, for instance, are some of the structures that have a role in ensuring that our bones move in the proper direction and without rubbing against each other. Fluids, such as synovial fluid, also play a key role in keeping us moving.
Both glucosamine and chondroitin are naturally found in the body too. Glucosamine is a major structural component of cartilage, synovial fluid and other connective tissue. It helps support healthy structure and function of joints.† Chondroitin helps maintain existing cartilage and supports healthy connective tissue.† Taking Kirkland Signature Glucosamine 1500 mg & Chondroitin 1200 mg may provide support in helping to maintain the health of your joints.†
Please note that individual results may vary.
One cannot easily derive glucosamine or chondroitin from food sources. The best way to get adequate amounts of these two nutrients is in a dietary supplement. In our Kirkland Signature brand, glucosamine comes from the exoskeletons of two crustacean shellfish — crab and shrimp and the chondroitin is derived from bovine sources.

Suggested Use: Adults - Take two (2) tablets daily, preferably with a meal.
Ingredients: Glucosamine Hydrochloride, Chondroitin Sulfate Sodium (Bovine). Contains 2% or less of artificial vanilla flavor, carnauba wax, croscarmellose sodium, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, magnesium stearate, medium chain triglycerides, microcrystalline cellulose, polyethylene glycol, silicon dioxide, sodium lauryl sulfate, stearic acid, triacetin.
Contains: Crustacean Shellfish (crab, shrimp).
No Artificial Colors
No Sugar
No Gluten
No Lactose
Tablet color may vary.
Individual results may vary.
CAUTION: If you are pregnant, nursing or taking any medications, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Store at 15° - 30° C (59° - 86°F).

This item is verified by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) which is an independent, scientific, non-profit organization that sets strict quality and purity standards for dietary supplements manufactured and distributed worldwide. The USP’s drug standards are enforceable in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration.

Since 1995, the Kirkland Signature brand has been providing high quality supplements at a great member value. Kirkland Signature vitamins, minerals, and supplements are made from carefully selected ingredients from trusted suppliers. The supplements are manufactured in accordance with the Good Manufacturing Practice standards. Additionally, many of the items are verified by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) which is an independent, scientific, non-profit organization that sets strict quality and purity standards for dietary supplements.