Коэнзим СoQ10 Nature Made 200мг 140 капсул
CoQ10 - это важная молекула, которая помогает генерировать клеточную энергию. Самая высокая концентрация коэнзима CoQ10 содержится в наиболее работоспособных клетках организма, таких как сердце, печень и почки. Исследования показали, что прием коэнзима CoQ10 может помочь восполнить его снижение внутреннего производства в организме из-за старения и использования некоторых препаратов, снижающих уровень холестерина (статины).
- Cодержание коэнзима - 200 мг CoQ10
- Поддержка сердечно-сосудистой системы
- Рекомендован людям, принимающим статины для снижения холестерина в крови
- Комплекс рекомендован фармацевтами
Рекомендации по применению:
Принимать в качестве диетической добавки по 1 капсуле один раз в день во время еды.An important supplement for heart function support.† To learn more, click "View More Details" below.
CoQ10 is an important molecule that assists in generating cellular energy.1 The highest concentrations of CoQ10 are found in the hardest working cells of the body, such as the heart, liver and kidneys. Studies have shown that taking a CoQ10 supplement may help replenish the body’s decreased internal production due to aging and use of certain cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins).200 mg of CoQ10 Helps support heart function.† May be important for people taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, which can reduce blood CoQ10 levels.† #1 Pharmacist recommended Coenzyme Q10 brand*
Importance of CoQ10
CoQ10 is a vitamin-like compound that works in the mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell), where it is needed to produce cellular energy from the food we eat.†1
CoQ10 is an important component of the energy producing pathways of the body.† The energy that is produced is then used to power muscles (liver, kidneys and heart) and other important functions of the body.
Importance of CoQ10 for Statin Users
Certain cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) are known to inhibit the body’s production of CoQ10, which is why supplementation is often suggested for statin users to help replenish CoQ10 levels.†2
Food Sources

*Based on a survey of pharmacists who recommend branded vitamins and supplements.
Product Dosage/Ingredient Information
Suggested Use: Take one softgel daily with a meal.
Other Ingredients: Soybean Oil, Coenzyme Q10, Gelatin (Porcine), Glycerin, Water, Soy Lecithin. Contains: Soy
No Added Color. No Artificial Flavors. No Preservatives. No Starch. No Gluten.
CoQ10 is not intended to serve as a replacement for statin drug therapy.
Keep out of reach of children.