Caltrate Bone Health Advanced 600+D3 Plus Minerals
Комплекс Caltrate Кальций 600мг с Витамином D3 и Минералами, 320 таблеток
Комплекс кальция с витамином D3 и минералами от Caltrate содержит:
- Кальций - 600мг
- Витамин D 800 lU
- Магний, цинк и другие минералы для выработки коллагена
- Поддерживает здоровье костей
- Высокорастворимая форма кальция
Кальций - важнейший минерал, необходимый для функционирования здоровой костной ткани. Его наибольшая концентрация содержится в костях и зубах. Организм не производит этот минерал, но получает из продуктов, которые не всегда восполняют суточную норму.
Получение достаточного количества кальция вместе с витамином D важно для поддержания здоровья костей на протяжении всей жизни, но особенно в детстве, когда формируется и растёт костная ткань. Поддержка костей также важна в более старшем возрасте, особенно когда кости становятся хрупкими, при болезнях костей таких как например осеопороз.
Это также важно в старшие годы, когда кости начинают ломаться быстрее, чем их можно перестроить. Старые кости могут стать более хрупкими и легко раздробленными - состояние, называемое остеопорозом.
Рекомендации к применениюПринимать в качестве биодобавки по одной таблетке один-два раза в день во время еды, запивать стаканом воды. Не предназначен для детей.
Caltrate® 600+D3 Plus Minerals has calcium plus collagen-supporting minerals to help your bones stay strong and flexible. Additionally, Caltrate® Plus Minerals has the most Vitamin D3* to help maximize calcium absorption to support strong, healthy bones.†
- Doctor recommended
- Most trusted++ calcium supplement brand
- Among the top most clinically studied calcium brands in the world
- Thirty five years of history in supporting bone health — evolving with advances in nutritional science
One tablet contains 600 mg of Calcium, 800 IU of Vitamin D3 as well as Magnesium for bone health.† Includes Zinc and other minerals^ to help support collagen production for strong, resilient bones.†
Include Calcium-Rich Foods in Your Daily Diet
Eat foods such as dairy products, leafy green vegetables, almonds and sesame seeds.
Healthy Tip
When making oatmeal, substitute milk for water (and top with almonds) to boost calcium content by more than 300 mg.
Boost Your Intake of Vitamin D
Since it’s hard to get enough Vitamin D from diet alone, spend a little bit of time in the sun; it’s a good source of Vitamin D.Few foods are natural sources of Vitamin D. Some commonly consumed foods, including milk and some orange juice, are commonly fortified with Vitamin D.Luckily, dietary supplements can help fill the gap to help you reach your daily goals.

Participate in 30 Minutes of Physical Activity
Try three 10-minute intervals if it’s too hard to find a 30-minute block of time each day.Team up with a friend, a co-worker, or your spouse to keep the motivation going.Remember to talk with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
There's no such thing as ‘too old’ or ‘too young’ for regular calcium. Since bones are a living part of your body, they need to be nourished every day to help support your body through all the stages of your life.†
No matter how many years ‘young’ you are today, calcium from Caltrate® 600+D3 Plus Minerals and a healthy, balanced diet can help support your bone health.†
Currently, more than 57% of American women do not consume the recommended amount of calcium to help maintain healthy bones.1 The Surgeon General also notes that many people, especially elderly individuals, don't get enough Vitamin D from sunlight and diet alone. Foods such as fortified milk contain about 100 IUs of Vitamin D, while Caltrate® offers several formulas that contain 800 IUs per tablet to nourish your bones.†
Key Points
It's important throughout all stages of life to maintain a diet with enough calcium and Vitamin D. This helps build strong bones early on, maintains strength, and helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.1^^
After your mid-30s, you begin to slowly lose bone mass. Once you've reached the age of 30, consuming the recommended levels of calcium and Vitamin D are necessary to maintain bone health.1^^Menopausal and post-menopausal women are at an increased risk for a decline in bone mass. Taking Caltrate® 600+D3 Plus Minerals as a source of calcium and Vitamin D3 in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.1^^ Consult your physician for information about your health needs.