Комплекс для поддержки суставов Cosamin DS for Joint Health, 230 капсул
Комплекс Cosamin DS, содержащий глюкозамин (1500 мг) и хондроитинсульфат (1200 мг), является брендом номер один для поддержки, комфорта и мобильности суставов и хрящевой ткани. Комплекс был рекомендован специалистами здравоохранения на протяжении уже более 20 лет. Употребление комплекса облегчает повседневную активную жизнедеятельность человека, такую как ходьба, шоппинг, садоводство и т.д. Cosamin DS показал свою эффективность в опубликованных в США клинических исследованиях. Комплекс состоит из высококачественных ингредиентов, которые индивидуально тестируются на биологическую активность. Лабораторные исследования показывают, что комбинация ингредиентов в Cosamin DS работает лучше, чем глюкозамин без вспомогательных элементов.
- Глюкозамин - 1500 mg Glucosamine HCl (FCHG49®)
- Хондроитин - 1200 mg Chondroitin Sulfate (TRH122®)
- 1 порция комплекса содержит идентичное количество ингредиентов, использованных в опубликованных клинических исследованиях
- Сертифицирован NSF®
- Не содержит глютена
Рекомендации к применению:
Принимайте по 3 капсулы ежедневно до достижения желаемого комфорта. При необходимости, можно уменьшить количество принимаемых капсул в день. Капсулы можно принимать все сразу за один приём или раздельно.

About Cosamin®DS
- 1500 mg Glucosamine HCl (FCHG49®)
- 1200 mg Chondroitin Sulfate (TRH122®)
- 1 serving contains the same amount of our trademarked ingredients used in published clinical studies
- NSF® CertifiedGluten-Free
Cosamin®DS and Your Joint Health

There are differences in glucosamine/chondroitin brands, but Cosamin DS is the #1 researched glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate brand and is suggested to help support Joint Comfort & Mobility.† Cosamin DS has shown to be effective in U.S. published clinical studies. Cosamin DS is consists of high quality ingredients that are individually tested for bioactivity. Laboratory studies show that the combination of ingredients in Cosamin DS works better than glucosamine alone. Cosamin DS is tested for purity (including testing for heavy metals and microbial testing) and meeting label claim by industry respected, independent testing laboratories as well as by Nutramax Laboratories’ own Quality Control and Quality Assurance.
Ingredients in Cosamin®DS
FCHG49® Glucosamine HCl and TRH122® Chondroitin Sulfate – The combination has been shown in cell culture research to decrease levels of markers associated with cartilage breakdown and joint discomfort.Introduction to Joint Health

Ways to Promote Joint Health
There are many ways to promote your joint health:
- Eating healthy with a balanced diet
- Staying active and maintaining a healthy weight
- Proper exercise to strengthen the joints and muscles and to keep bones healthy
- Visiting your healthcare provider regularly
- Taking your medications as prescribed
- Taking a high quality glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplement
Glucosamine, in combination with chondroitin sulfate, helps inhibit enzymes responsible for the breakdown of cartilage and supports the maintenance of healthy joints.
Choosing the Right Joint Health Supplement
Recent published clinical studies have further validated the combination of high quality glucosamine/chondroitin supplementation for joint health. It is important to make sure you purchase a high quality glucosamine/chondroitin combination product, and below are some of the items to look for:
- Reputable brand cited in published clinical studies
- Serving size of trademarked active ingredients are the same as used in clinical studies
- Quality seal from third party public health and safety organizations
Supplement Facts & Directions for Use

Directions for Use: Take 3 capsules daily until desired comfort is reached. May reduce number of capsules taken daily to maintain comfort level. Capsules may be taken all at once or divided with meals.†
If you have any condition that requires medical attention always consult your physician before taking any dietary supplement. KEEP IN A COOL, DRY PLACE. DO NOT USE IF SEAL IS BROKEN OR MISSING.

NSF® Certification